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1998 MLA Sessions

EDIS will sponsor two sessions at the December 1998 meeting of the Modern Language Association.

"Queering Dickinson" will be chaired by Ellen Louise Hart. Speakers will be Elizabeth Dillon, on "'Rearrange a "Wife's" Affection': Dickinson and Same-Sex Marriage"; Toni McNaronon"'To Be or Not To Be' Is Not the Question"; and Ellen Louise Hart, on "Lesbian Editorial Theory and the Homoerotic Dickinson." Marilee Lindemann will be the respondent.

The second session will be a roundtable devoted to R. W. Franklin's new edition of Dickinson's poems. Katie King will serve as chair. Other speakers will be Deborah Cadman, on gift and material presence in the manuscripts; Paul Crumbley, on editions as textual homes; Margaret Freeman, on "Her Odd Secrets of the Line"; Elizabeth Horan, on literary property; Marta Werner, on the edges of the editions of the poems; and Martha Nell Smith, on the roundtable and Franklin's gifts. For further information contact Martha Nell Smith, Dept. of English, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA.