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Fred White, Professor of English, Emeritus, Santa Clara University.


I. Dickinson Scholarship
Approaching Emily Dickinson: Critical Currents and
Crosscurrents since 1960 (Camden House, 2008).
"Major Trends in Dickinson Criticism," in Critical
Insights: Emily Dickinson, ed. J. Brooks Bouson (Salem
Press, 2011): 51-72.
"Dickinson's Existential Dramas," in The Cambridge
Companion to Emily Dickinson, ed. Wendy Martin
(Cambridge University Press, 2002): 91-106.
"'Sweet Skepticism of the Heart': Science in the Poetry
of Emiliy Dickinson." College Literature 19.1 (Feb.
1992): 121-128.
"Inder Nath Kher: An Appreciation," EDIS Bulletin 23.1
(May/June 2011): 10-11.

II. Selected Non-Dickinson Related Publications
The Well-Crafted Argument: A Guide and Reader, 4th Ed.
(Wadsworth/Cengage, 2010)
The Daily Writer: 366 Meditations to Cultivate a
Productive and Meaningful Writing Life (Writer's
Digest Books, 2008)
Where Do You Get Your Ideas? A Writer's Guide to
Transforming Notions into Narratives (Writer's Digest
Books; forthcoming fall 2012)