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The Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin (ISSN 1055-3932) is published twice yearly, May/June and November/December, by the Emily Dickinson International Society, Inc, and distributed to all members of the Society. Third-class, non-profit postage is paid at Evansville, IN 47712.

Submissions and other communications for the Bulletin should be sent to:

Michael Kearns
Dept. of English
University of Southern Indiana
8600 University Blvd.
Evansville, IN 47712

The Bulletin welcomes notices of all Dickinson-related books, including those published outside the U.S. Send information to:

Barbara Kelly
444 Washington Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Submission deadlines are March 1 and September 1. All articles become the property of the Bulletin. Copyright by the Emily Dickinson International Society, Inc. The Bulletin is indexed in the American Humanities Index and the MLA Bibliography.

To join the Emily Dickinson International Society, please view the membership and subscription page. The EDIS membership fee includes the Bulletin.