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2013 International Conference - College Park, MD/Washington, D.C., USA

For information on accessing the internet while at the conference, click HERE.


You can also access a print version of the registration page HERE.
For information on accommodations, click HERE

Reservations for the Willard Hotel's High Tea on Sunday, August 11 from 3:15-5:00 have reached the maximum number for the room; however, we will try to accommodate as many as possible for this delightful "extra" in the hotel in which Emily stayed in 1855. If you have not already made your reservation (by sending your check) and you wish to go, please contact Eleanor Heginbotham to add your name, email address, and cell phone number to the waiting list: Eleanor Heginbotham;

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of EDIS, on August 8th-11th, 2013, the University of Maryland will host the next international conference in the Washington, DC area. The theme is “Emily Dickinson, World Citizen.” For the CFP inviting papers, panel sessions, performances, pecha kucha, and other kinds of innovative presentations, click HERE.

The conference explores Dickinson’s various forms of belonging. She may have seen “New Englandly,” but as a cosmopolitan reader, she crafted and cultivated numerous affiliations beyond the local. This conference explores her politics, her understanding of citizenship, her engagements with international cultures and influences and theirs with her writings—the global reach of her mind and verse.
The conference events will be held in two lovely sites at the University of Maryland, the newly rebuilt Tawes Building and the Performing Arts Center; housing will be on campus at the university’s Inn and Conference Center.

The conference will take extensive advantage of the many historical and cultural resources in the DC area.

Willard Hotel 1859

Highlights include a conference coda--high tea at the Willard Hotel, where Emily Dickinson stayed when she visited her Representative father and where Julia Ward Howe wrote “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Even if "crab" was apparently not in her lexicon, Maryland crabcakes will be served at the conference banquet. "Tortoise" was a term she used almost giddily, so she would surely love "Scarlet Maryland" (a phrase that takes on quite a different meaning now than it did in "When I was small, a / Woman died"). After all, Maryland loves and fears the slow but steady progress of the turtle. Mark your calendars now to celebrate Dickinson and the World that's now writing to her!

Photo credit: Scott Ableman / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND