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2004 EDIS Graduate Student Fellowship

The Emily Dickinson International Society announces the inauguration of a fellowship award in support of graduate student scholarship on Emily Dickinson. The award, in the amount of $500, may be used to fund travel to collections or conferences, to support book purchases, or for other research expenses necessary to the project. Preference will be given to applicants enrolled in doctoral programs and engaged in the writing of dissertations or other major projects directed toward publication. To apply, please send a curriculum vitae, description of the project, the names and contact information of two references, and a dissertation prospectus or other relevant writing sample (no more than 25 pages) to Professor Mary Loeffelholz, Department of English, 406 Holmes Hall, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115. Electronic applications welcome: Applications are due by March 30, 2004; the award will be announced by May 15, 2004.