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2015: Dickinson Institute CFP

On Friday, August 7, 2015, the Emily Dickinson International Society will sponsor a critical institute in conjunction with its Annual Meeting. The Institute provides an opportunity for participants to workshop critical essays and conference papers with established Dickinson scholars. The topic for this year’s meeting is “Dickinson in her Elements." Applicants working on Dickinson’s writings in relation to the physical sciences (botany, geology, astronomy, etc.), agriculture, natural and built environments, etc. are encouraged to apply, but all submissions will be considered. We welcome applications from graduate students, adjunct faculty, independent scholars, and tenure-track professors. Please submit an abstract (300-350 words) describing your paper topic along with a CV to Eliza Richards ( and Alexandra Socarides ( by January 15, 2015. Applicants will be notified by email in February; selected participants will be asked to circulate conference-length (8-10 page) papers to their workshop group by June 15th.