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2014 Annual Member's Meeting Agenda

Emily Dickinson International Society
Agenda for the Annual Members Meeting

Alumni House Large Meeting Room
Amherst, Massachusetts
Saturday, August 10, 2014
9:30-10:30 am

1. President’s Welcome and Report -- Martha Nell Smith

2. Approval of the Minutes of the August 11, 2013 Meeting -- Nancy Pridgen

3. Treasurer’s Report -- Jim Fraser

4. Membership Committee Report -- Elizabeth Petrino

5. 2014 Annual Meeting -- Alexandra Socarides & Elizabeth Petrino & Jonnie Guerra

6. 2015 Annual Meeting -- Martha Nell Smith, Barbara Mossberg

7. Possibilities for Future Annual Meetings -- Everyone

8. Emily Dickinson Museum Update -- Jane Wald

9. Members’ Talk Back & Announcements -- Everyone

10. Nominations Committee Report -- Alexandra Socarides

11. Adjournment