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1998 ALA Sessions

Two Dickinson sessions will be held at this year's meeting of the American Literature Association in San Diego, May 28-31.

The first, chaired by Gudrun Grabher, will focus on "Pain and Memory." Speakers will be Martha Nell Smith, on "Elements of Blank, Formal Feelings, and the Hallowing of Pain"; Margaret Freeman, on "'Affliction ranges Boundlessness - ': Memory and Pain as Cognitive Constructs of Space and Time"; Marietta Messmer, on "'and give bright tears to her memory': Dickinson's Correspondence with Sue Gilbert as an Example of the Transformation of Experiential Pain into Textual Gain"; and Lori Karen Lebow, on "Emily Dickinson: The Queen of the Condolence Card."

The second panel, which will be sponsored jointly with the H.D. Society, will be chaired by Grabber and Cassandra Laity. Helen Sword will speak on "Cryptopoetics";Cynthia MacKenzie, on "Erotic Spirituality in H.D. and Dickinson"; Holly Norton, on "Psychic Recycling: The Divided Mind in the Poetry of Dickinson and H.D."; and Sarah MacDonald, “Following the Word: Language as Presence in the Poetry of Dickinson and H.D." For registration information, contact Alfred Bendixen, English Department, California State University, Los Angeles, CA 90032 (