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Reminder to Vote!

An election to fill one of the Member-at-Large positions is currently underway. The person elected to this position will take office following the July 2011 annual meeting and will serve until the conclusion of the annual meeting in 2014. You will be able to access the statements written by the three candidates who are running for the position and a ballot for voting at You will need your EDIS membership number to vote. Voting began on March 10, 2011 and will continue until May 25, 2011. The winner will be announced at the Amherst meeting and published in the fall issue of the Bulletin.

Members-at-Large have the same responsibilities and opportunities for service to the organization that all EDIS Board members have, including the following: becoming familiar with the Society's bylaws; conducting Society business by serving on committees; reading the EDIS Bulletin and the Journal; following discussions on e-mail; attending annual meetings; checking the Society's web site for information and updates; staying current with Homestead and Museum activities; writing for the Bulletin; and, depending on location, sponsoring or participating in activities with a local chapter or your community generally. Members-at-Large also are asked to contribute to the Society's membership goals by having their ears tuned to members' preferences, interests, and concerns.

Questions? Contact Nominations Chair Jonnie Guerra at